
? tst12([all,all],[a,b,c,x,y],(f1,f2)->imp(f1,f2),"x^8+y^8<1,a*x+b*y+c<0");
 *** using Lazard's method (MPP17).
time = 14144 ms.
3 65(206,12) 963(196,62) 9219(384,432) 4385(8672,876) 
 *** combined adjacent 4376 cells.
time = 6,522 ms.

? tst12([all,all],[a,b,c,x,y],(f1,f2)->imp(f1,f2),"x^8+y^8<1,a*x+b*y+c<0",17);
 *** using Lazard's method (BM20).
time = 15104 ms.
3 65(158,11) 615(178,21) 5439(352,392) 4385(5952,540) 
 *** combined adjacent 4376 cells.
time = 4,781 ms.

? tst12([all,all],[a,b,c,x,y],(f1,f2)->imp(f1,f2),"x^8+y^8<1,a*x+b*y+c<0",7);
 *** using the sum of squares projection.
time = 14724 ms.
3 65(174,12) 615(190,22) 4503(372,272) 3665(5952,540) 
 *** combined adjacent 3656 cells.
time = 4,693 ms.
Wolfram Language 12.2.0 Engine for Linux x86 (64-bit)
Copyright 1988-2021 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= CylindricalDecomposition[ForAll[{x,y},x^8+y^8<1,a*x+b*y+c<0],{a,b,c},"Function"];//Timing                 

Out[1]= {11094.458733, Null}  (* The number of the top level cells is 129. *)

In[2]:= CylindricalDecomposition[ForAll[{x,y},x^8+y^8<1,a*x+b*y+c<0],{a,b,c},"Function",WorkingPrecision->30];//Timing

Out[2]= {3.261566, Null}